Creativity is flowing everywhere you look!
I bought this at the local Wild Bird Feed Store downtown. It is filled with nesting material and you can see the birds love it. You can also fill it with peanuts for the squirrels. It's a great place to stuff my extra wool after spinning!
Here is the lovely "Fairy Garden" I splurged on this year. Purchased at Valley Perennials in Galena. You can just sit and dream all day long looking at this beautiful mix.
And what can beat watching my sweet Grandbaby out in the cement mixing tray? Yes, a turtle swimming pool is on the list to buy but she really loves playing around in our small ponds. So for now, it works.
Currently working on "romantisizing" our little well in the back yard. We have a turtle spitter in it, some plastic "chandeleir" mini lights with rose garland around the roof and we're growing a potatoe vine plant and parsley in front of the little pond. There were marigolds too but my baby squirrels ate them up. There are also morning glories sprouting. That should be terrific.
Ahhh, the square foot gardens. Love, love, love talking to the guests about them. Many of the guests know right away the type of garden it is! What fun to hear their gardening stories!
I've had my struggles with it, baby squirrels, hot weather, but mostly it is going just great. Glad to be gardening again! Already had sandwiches with homegrown lettuce. Toooooo coooool! Hope you are also enjoying this summer!
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