This is my Nantucket least I think that's what it's called. It was a basket kit where you could finish the top so I embroidered, on my machine, this old sewing machine and it says "Only God is perfect, our quilts don't need to be". It just reminds me to lighten up!
This is the inside of my basket. A pocket for all the necessities: needle, thread, scissors, tea and of course "pin" money!
Here is the "DRAB". A purse I sewed out of wool with a "crazy quilt" top. Cute enough but I just didn't like it. It didn't "pop" for me. I bought the kit at the Paducah Quilt Festival 2010. My dear friend Susan offered to take me with her and her husband Roy to the show. I didn't think I'd ever get there. It was a blast!
So....anyway, I got around to putting the mix and match button on the handles and I just wanted to sing. It was exactly what it needed to go to "Fab". I use it all the time now because I love it and because my Ipad fits in it!!!!
I must start sewing some more. Those UFO's I have around! I don't think I'd have to buy a kit for 2 years and I'd still have kits to put together. Note to self: Finish exisiting projects!!!!
I just finished my first knitted scarf and am headed back to my quilt. I can't wait to start it again. Dawn is behind and wants me to slow down... haha :)