In September my husband and I visited Kalona Iowa interested in learning more about the Amish community there. We were also hoping to hear the clip clop of horse carriages passing by.
As it turns out there happened to be a funeral on the day we visited so we saw a lot of carriages moving along. I planned on taking pictures but not wanting to disturb their peace I decided not to.
We went to the Kalona museum and saw this fascinating antique weaving loom. There were a lot of spinning wheels on display and I found a lovely antique pair of socks that were hand knitted. The Amish are known for their quilts and there is a lovely quilt store in Kalona and many quilts on display at the museum. Well worth taking the time so travel and see. However, there were no yarn stores or supplies. I was quite surprised seeing all the spinning wheels and weaving looms in the museum. Never figured that one out. Now that I think of it none of the Amish books I've read ever talk about them knitting. It's always quilting, embroidery work, cleaning, farming, etc.
I purchased a couple of Amish cookbooks. Couldn't wait to get down to the grass roots of this deal. However, one of the books I purchased had recipes in it that called for store bought items like premade pie shells. WHAT? I wanted to start from scratch. Oh well...I guess our society is creeping up on them. No harm intended. I love this gentle, lovely, quiet culture.
More on Kalona in the next Blog!
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